
Cook - Pijit Sayur

Kemarin beli sayur kale. Bacanya gimana sih.. keil.. keli.. kaleeeee
Ini sih sayur mahal kekinian, tapi rasanya kok mirip-mirip ama kailan ya..
oh mungkin gitu bacanya.. KAIL- an.

Jadi kailan itu sebenernya KALE-KALEan, bukan kale beneran.

Lanjut, ini katanya sayuran sehat, karena teksturnya yang keras gak bisa langsung dibuat salad. Katanya harus dipijit.. hahaha masih ngguyu kalo denger sayur kok dipijit-pijit.
Mungkin biar dia refleksi jadi lemes gitu daunnya.. berserah.

Ya intinya ini coba-coba resep aja yang kira-kira cocok dan bikin rasanya jadi agak-agak manis dan gurih, disiapkan bahan-bahan lain juga.

Daun Kale sedapatnya.
Bawang bombay serelanya
Bawang merah yang besar ini apa ya namanya.. setengah aja, soalnya mahal. Gapapa sekali2. Enak.
Paprika setengah juga kali ya.
Kacang mede.. mete.. pokoknya itu lah
Bawang putih 3 biji
Keju parmesan

Jeruk lemon/nipis, lada, garam, Olive oil.

Untuk urusan pijat memijat, pertama daun kale dipotong-potong.
Terus diperas jeruk lemon atau jeruk nipis juga bisa..

Lalu dikasih olive oil sampai daunnya basah. Kalau untuk makan mentah baiknya pake extra virgin oil. Kalau untuk oseng atau panggang pakai yang gak virgin.
Gak usah tanya ya kenapa, pasti banyak di google. Saya sendiri belum google.

Ini terakhir yang penting, dikasih garam. Kalau gak pakai garam kayaknya gak lemes-lemes dia.

Pijitnya.. gimana yah.. kayak diremas-remas gemas sampai lemas gitu..
Baiknya didiamkan selama beberapa menit, baru dia siap yang disebut massaged kale.
Pada tahap ini bisapun dipanggang daunnya jadi chips. Tapi kita kan mau bikin salad.

Gambar ini kurang fokus maaf yah.

Kembali ke bahan yang lain, semuanya diiris-iris. Kecuali kacangnya.

Karena kacangnya harus dipanggang dulu sebelum diiris.

Cukup sampai hangus sedikit-sedikit begini, kalo yang rajin bisa juga dipanggang pakai oven. Sesudah itu diiris kasar.

Lalu bikin tumisannya, karena virgin olive oil bukan untuk menumis, maka kita pakai sumber minyak yang lain. Bisa mentega, minyak sayur, atau olive oil yang untuk masak.

Yang pertama masuk cincangan bawang putih.

Lalu bawang bombay

Lalu paprika dan bawang merah besar.. bawang ini lebih enak kalau setengah matang, lebih manis dari bawang bombay jadi masuknya juga belakangan.

Buat acuannya, yang penting bawang bombaynya udah lemas agak gosong dikit, ini dibilangnya sudah terkaramelisasi. Jadi gak ada rasa pedasnya lagi, tinggal wangi gurih manis.

Terus sebelum tambah lapar, daun yang tadi udah dipijit-pijit, dicampur bahan-bahan yang udah disiapkan.

Kacang, tumisan, lalu aduk.

Pindah ke wadah.

Tabur keju yang udah diparut.

Lalu kasih telor ceplok dan bawang goreng... biar mirip mi instant goreng hahahaha halu.

Bentukan akhirnya begini yah. Minumnya es teh.. walau gelasnya gelas gratisan soda..

Malu juga yah gelasnya kok pake gelas gratisan.. terus baru sadar sekarang.

Saat-saat penentuan kalau buat telur setengah matang...

Terus dimakan. Ya udah gitu aja.

Enak sih, kalau emang lagi diet atau program makan sehat. Kalau lagi gak diet ya mendingan makan yang lain hahaha. Abis dibandinginnya ama mie goreng, ya gimana...


Trip - The World is Your Oyster.

I actually didn't know what does that idiom means until i googled it just now.

{{ if the world is your oyster, you have the ability and the freedom to do anything or go anywhere }}

I still don't get it. But i catch it from a song back from the old days. It's that kind of song you can't get off from your mind. Youtube it i dare you.

So we went to Bangkok for a best friend's wedding, it was a beautiful, touching and happy wedding.

But we're going to talk about food. Because i didn't really take many pictures while i was there, beside the food we ate. Sorry not sorry. Well maybe i'd share some of the market pictures.

Bangkok is so special, it's a place i always want to go back to. For eating and shopping, beside hanging out with my best friends who live there of course, which is as important as eating and shopping.
Well the important statistic is very dynamic, but it's never been too far.

First highlight : That seafood restaurant. Bang Khae district. I think.


Oh it's just the first dinner we had of abundant fresh seafood with amazing taste and it makes me drools everytime i think about it, for the rest of my life...


They served peeled crab legs, I have mixed feelings about this. I am more than happy with that kind of service, but somehow i also like to peel my crab, it just bringing up the game you know. But beyond that, i kind of feel sorry for the people who peel them. They don't get to eat what they peel. But maybe they do. Who am i to judge.

My belly was crying for it couldn't hold so much of happiness. My seafood allergy went nuts at the next dawn. My sin absolutely was the gluttony. But a shot from doctor then it was alright. I took all the blame on me so I'd still come back to that restaurant. But next time i probably have a bit control to not finish what everybody couldn't.

There was also something about that night i won't forget, it was this thing:

This is.. Thai milk ice tea kakigori from After You dessert cafe. How could someone invent something so delicious, with perfectly kawaii shape? It looks like an illustration from my food stickers collection.
Yes i do collect food stickers.
Everything i had at this place was yum-my. It made me glad that i have super big belly.

Second Highlight: Market Walk

On the other days i succeeded to take my man to stroll around the markets in Bangkok.

We went to the malls (to buy a suitcase for the things WE shopped), china town, weekend market, night market, why there are so many kinds of market in bangkok, i love it.

First stop was the food i had been missing so much:


Sticky rice, somtum, and variety of meat roasted or fried.

They sell it everywhere. But one stall at JJ market is really good, maybe because it took like 15 minutes to be seated in. It worth all the wait, or maybe the wait made it worth.


Salted egg somtum, fried chicken, fried pork and sticky rice. Sometimes when i think of these, i wonder why wasn't i born as a Thai. Only sometimes.


The markets also sell plants, but i'm telling you this only for you to have a food-break picture and not feeling so miserable. 

The trip to China Town market was one i really enjoyed. We took a boat trip and they dropped us off straight on the market. 


China Town is the square i never miss to tick whenever i travel to a city. Have you ever been to a big city without China Town on it? I never have. Except probably big cities in China.


Green curry is also my favorite thing to eat in Thailand. They also twist it to fusion dish like pasta and ramen. That's a good reason to learn how to cook it. 


It is not fair that they had persimmon season already. I thought we have the same climate in South East Asia. This is also a proof that Bangkok is a diet/vegan friendly city. Except that i'm not one but yes please i take those. 

We went through China town to get my man to a favorite place i had been wanting to take him to. 


It's a bar/cat cafe. And he was really happy there, for there were so many cats and good food. 


We stayed about 3 hours with snacks and good drinks. 


It was hard to leave from there, but we made it to go to the night market. 


Just to have more food. That was bbq pork with cheese, and some kind of mini UFO space ship. 


This man was so happy he got a helmet he will never wear. His happy place was also 7/11. 

I envy their wide variety of alcohol and local breweries. 


It's so easy to get alcohol everywhere. But i think it's common in everywhere in the world, except in where i live. Which is in the sober jungle, very close to the hill of virginity. 

They even have cocktails on body lotions.

Why isn't this blog post ending yet. Do you really read this? I don't think i'll remember that i wrote here. It's getting tiring hahaha. So unprofessional.

Well the last highlight was that beautiful restaurant by the river.. with giant plants.. i forgot the name i will google later.


We ate so much (again). Much more than this. They serve both traditional and western food.
I was too hungry to take pictures and it'd just make this blog getting longer.
But here are some dessert photos:


My man's favorite dessert, cheese cake with strawberry jam. And my one-of-so-many favorite desserts, sticky rice mango. I got to pour the coconut by myself, it gave some kind of weird satisfaction.

Oh by the way, the restaurant name is The Jam Factory.


And this is something i never tasted before. Watermelon balls, with fish floss.
They mixed the super light floss with sugar rocks. I can't really explain its taste, but it's surprisingly good. I even put two similar pictures here to show how good it is.
They said it's very traditional, it was my first time having this. And i will have some more.

Bangkok i will come back for more!

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