

Rough big plans, since i just got graduated.
1. Learn how to drive (and my driving lisence is expired this week, can you believe that)
2. Learn how to drive a motorbike
3. Vacation to lombok and bali
4. Take insentive french course to finish what has been stopped.
5. Going to travel around Australia.
6. Going to China and live there for a year to learn mandarin, chinese calligraphy & painting.
7.... hasnt been planned

Small what to do lists, since i'm so much at home now and feel not doing anything useful.
1. Rearrange my novels alphabetical.
2. Rearrange my dvds and watch them all.
3. Rearrange my cassettes and cds by artists.
4. Cleaning up my room and closets (on progress now).
5. Brushing the swimming pool.
6. Writing an online diary (doing it now).
7. Calling, texting and writing to old friends.
8. Taking care of my body since i had forgotten that i have one when i was doing my final stuff.
9. Making good arranged albums for my whole life time pictures.
10. Watch CNN more.
11. Walking my dogs every afternoon, doing some fitness and swim after that (medley workout).
12. Cleaning up my mailboxes in internet
13. Rearrange folders and files in my computer (after i get anew hard disk)
14. Go to my old house and get my old things in my room there.
15. Cleaning up the dust in my room.
16. Trying the new recipes.
17. Get new cool ps2 games.
18. Learning more about dreamweaver and web design.
19. Making income and outgoing list.
20. Wash my bags and shoes.
21. Designing my business card name (immidiately).
22. Start to learn about gardening (okay this one is too much for me).
23. Fun painting and art things (make only useful, not too big, can be hanged things).
24. Frame my rolling stones poster.
25. Lyrics for MP3.
26. Browsing more useful sites, ex: design sites, gardening sites, chinese sites, music sites, translator sites, sites about dogs, sites about art and artists, gourmet sites, travelling sites, history sites, interesting story sites, tvshow sites and many more you can find everywhere.


Copyright © 2014 Natanoja