
Trip - Birthday Getaway

Last September my best stressed-at-work-buddy arranged... or made me arrange... a trip to celebrate my birthday. Just five days of sunny laughs, white sand, salty water, cold drinks and good food.  

So we went back to Lombok, a place that is close to my heart. It has changed since the last time I visited back in 2013, and sure it has changed a lot since the first time I visited back in 1998. I've always loved the laid-back atmosphere of Lombok. Humble, beautiful, friendly, but very private. With developed resorts and plenty of tourists now, it’s not easy to have that anymore in Lombok. But then my good friend who lives in Lombok took us around the mainland right after we got there. 

This is what I love about nature. Being surrounded by something so wide and beautiful, becoming meaningless. Just enjoy everything and forget about myself.

It was striking hot, but we didn't want to move, we had to stay for a while. I wanted to record every detail in my memory, i wanted to stare at every colour, every shape, and keep them in my mind forever so i will never forget it. 

By the time we almost had heatstroke, we went down the hill to cool down. 

Is there anything better than freezing cold beer on a beautiful beach? 

When it was lunch time we went to this spot, a yoga center, a well-thought building design, a restaurant with fascinating scenery. 

It's another developing beach, Kuta Lombok. Since the airport moved closer to south of the island the area grows and expands rapidly. This place is one of the progressions i really like. 

We sat and chill about 3 hours, drank so many bottles of beer. We went to another beach for sunset and more drinks. Visited Purimas Lombok for their entertainment nights and probably one of the most delicious dinner i've ever had. Their ravioli spinaci was the bomb. 

The next morning we woke up at this beautiful paradise, Purimas Garden is always be a place i want to stay in every time i visit this island. Its a hidden gem, a stunning spot to getaway and relax, with the friendliest people to welcome you in.

This path is a direct access to the private outdoor bathroom, next to private massage room, next to our room, next to our private jacuzzi. It is just a place that makes you think 'why am i here with my friend?'


In the morning there was Lisa, an adorable pitbull. She's always playing around the resorts with her partner Sultan, a charming golden retriever. They are super friendly and so happy hanging out with everyone. They'd sit next on our legs while we were having breakfast at the terrace. They would also lay beside us while we were sunbathing. Really made this place feel like home. It is freeing and remote at the same time. 

After we got in Gili island, we walked to the northern part. While on our way there i was a bit surprised to see the whole round of the island already filled with resorts, beach restaurants, and sadly, big hotel buildings. The first time i visited the island some places didn't even have electricity and depends on kerosene for their lightnings. 

We went straight to Mexican Kitchen, A restaurant and bar run by a good friend, serving authentic Mexican food and drinks. It's one of the best spot for sunset. 

Very generous portion, with personal touches, lots of vegetables, and the best thing: so tasty to have with beer. 


We ordered two dishes at first because we already had big lunch. Somehow we end up eating 6 dishes in the afternoon. Probably 9 bottles of beer.. All i can remember it was such a good place to be. 

And there i had the sunset i had been missing so much. 

Oh on the other days, we just do repetition of swimming, drinking, and eating.

Our favorite place to spend the day is of course the famous Gili's Scallywags. If it is not their professional service i recommend, even more the buffet they serve for breakfast and dinner. 

Good sausages and bacon, homemade granolas and fresh juice. 

Strawberry granita kicking best, just before we jumped into the water. 

It's funny that no matter what, i always wake up early whenever i stay near the beach. Sea feels the greatest in the morning. When the sun gets so hot, but the water is still chill. 

So we were basically drinking salty water and alcohol, all over in repeat. until we got tired. Everyday. 


On the last day, i woke up even earlier for another tick on my list. The sunrise. 

There you are...

I did a little macrame to leave on the beach. While recording that diamond water look on my mind. 


Always i can count on Lombok. Thank you again. 


Harvest - Pegagan/ Antanan (Centella asiatica)

Pertama tau antanan waktu mama sakit asam urat, dikasih temannya jamu mujarab bin jumarab judulnya 'antanan', sekali minum langsung hilang sakitnya. Tapi jamu ini susah dicari entah kenapa yah. Katanya sih adanya di toko obat di pasar-pasar gitu. Karena gak pernah kambuh lagi jadi kita udah gak cari. 

Nah beberapa lama kemudian entah dari mana tanaman antanan atau pegagan ini tumbuh liar di halaman rumah. Sifatnya sebenarnya seperti tanaman hama yang menjajah rumput, tapi karena dia cantik menjalar jadi kita biarkan saja lagipula ada khasiatnya, kalau kena hujan dia langsung tumbuh besar-besar. 

Konon katanya antanan ini sering dipakai jadi salah satu bahannya asinan bogor. Tapi kita bahas asinan bogornya lain kali aja. Kalau dibahas sekarang bisa-bisa kita langsung berangkat ke bogor. 

Kemarin ini niat masak yang agak seger tapi stock sayur di rumah habis. Akhirnya sok ide petik daun antanan dan cicipin. Ternyata rasanya jauh banget dari jamu. Lebih mirip selada air atau lalapan gitu, gak pahit malah agak manis dan crunchy.

Bahan-bahan hasil bongkaran kemarin :

1 Lemon 
2 batang Seledri cina 
1/2 Bawang merah besar 
1 Cabai besar
3 siung Bawang putih
1 Jamur portabella 
30 lembar daun antanan/pegagan
Kacang panggang. Aku pakai kacang bali yang sudah matang. 
Olive oil 
Garam dan Lada
Kecap inggris

Untuk proteinnya waktu itu ada Ikan kakap putih/Barramundi. Kurang lebih sebanyak 200 ons. Filet ikan dibuat jangan terlalu tebal karena hanya akan ditumis. Siapkan juga tepung terigu dan tepung panir untuk balutannya. 

Sebelumnya filet jangan terlalu tebal ikan direndam dulu dengan air lada, garam, dan sedikit air lemon selama minimal setengah jam dalam kulkas. Ada juga yang suka ganti air lemon dengan asam jawa. Asam jawa rasanya lebih lembut tapi untuk gorengan dia cenderung buat protein jadi lebih gelap saat matang. 

Sementara menunggu rendaman itu langkah langkah yang lain begini:

1. Petik daun-daun antanan dari batangnya
2. Iris seledri tipis, juga bawang dan cabai. 
3. Aduk bawang, seledri dan cabai dengan garam dan kira-kira satu sendok teh. Lalu disimpan di kulkas, ini untuk melemaskan otot-otot mereka agar jadi lebih manis, gak terlalu tegang gitu loh. 

Sesudah itu kita olah ikannya. 

4. panaskan wajan anti lengket dengan olive oil kira-kira setengah sendok makan. jangan terlalu banyak minyaknya. kan sehat (ceritanya). 
5. balur ikan di tepung terigu biasa, setelah itu balurkan lagi di rendaman jeruk nipis tadi, terus balurkan di tepung panir. Tepungnya tidak usah dikasih garam lagi karena sudah ada di rendaman air jeruk. 
6. Letakkan ikan di atas wajan. Pastikan permukaannya kena minyak, jangan diganggu sampai kira-kira kelihatan setengah daging sudah matang dan berwarna putih permukaan tepung kecoklatan, baru dibalik. Sesudah dibalik tunggu sampai permukaan satunya berwarna coklat dan ikannya matang, baru diangkat dan tiriskan. 

Kembali ke saladnya,

7. Ambil acar bawang rendaman garam, kasih olive oil satu sendok makan, kecap inggris satu sendok teh, masukkan daun antanan yang sudah dipetik-petik dari gagangnya dan juga jamur yang sudah diiris-iris, lalu aduk. Udah deh gitu aja sih.

8. Kalau sudah disajikan baru tabur kacang yang sudah dicincang kasar biar gak mlempem teksturnya. Kacangnya yang banyak biar ga usah fanatik banget gaya hidup sehatnya. 

Nah setelah jadi bentukannya kayak begini taraaa:

Dari deket

Agak jauhan lagi

Dari deket lagi

Gimana? gimana?  biasa aja kan? hahahaha

Walaupun pegel ngunyahnya tapi lumayan sedap kita santap habis khasiatnya daripada nyari jamu ke pasar. hehehe. 

Semoga daun antanannya bisa menghapuskan dosa koresterol dari kacang goreng yang berlebih. 

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