
Harvest - Rosemary Roasted Potatoes

Tadaaaaaa! Eh, Belom. 
Ini kan ceritanya mau bikin satu kategori tentang kemasan akhir hasil panen. (sebelum dilahap)

Nah sejak mulai berkebun di balkon ada satu pojokan khusus buat tanaman herba. 

Dari kanan ke kiri: sisaan mint yang baru ditancep batangnya, kucai, bawang putih, dan hayok mari kita perhatikan pot yang ngumpet di sebelah kiri. 

Ini rosemary. Katanya selain bisa ngusir nyamuk juga sedap buat dimasak. 

Daunnya wangi minta ampun, dipegang sedikit juga harumnya langsung melekat kuat. 

Kita pilih yang segar untuk dimasak. Katanya yang cocok adalah panggang-panggangan dan kentang. Tapi karena oven kita lagi rusak, dengan nekat coba panggang pakai wajan. 

Ditumis dulu bawang bombay

Tuang kentang iris yang sudah direndam air. Ini harus tipis biar gak pake lama matangnya.

Lalu dibumbuin pakai garam, lada hitam, cabai bubuk. 

Bergabung sosis yang sudah diiris-iris. Buat pegangan aja. Hidup itu harus ada pegangan.

Untuk rosemary karena sangat wangi jadi dimasukkan terakhir kalau yang lain sudah agak matang. 

Begitu juga bawang merah besar, ini rasanya manis dan gak terlalu pedas, jadi enaknya dimakan setengah matang. 

Diaduk terus ditungguin sampai crispy..

Tapi udah pake session foto-foto segala, dia masih gak crispy-crispy juga..

Langsung ditutupin pake wajan lain, keliatan banget ini adalah gaya orang gak sabaran. 

Pas udah selesai dikasih keju mozarella dan parmesan.

Karena gak pake oven dan torchnya juga rusak, jadi kurang angus bentuknya. 

Pas mau masak porsinya dibatasi, pas udah dimakan jadinya malah gak kenyang.

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes

2 medium thin-sliced potatoes
1 sliced sausage
Half sliced onion
Half sliced shallot
2 tbs oil
1/2 tsp blackpepper
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp chili powder
1 tbs mozarella


1. Sautee onion until fragnant
2. Put sliced potatoes, stir well.
3. Add spices and sausages, stir again. 
4. Cook until dry, put shallots and rosemary
5. Wait until crispy. Patiently.
6. If you're not that patient then add oil or put it to oven.
7. Add mozarella and parmesan.
8. Eat it. 


Eat - Jian Bing

Something i always miss regularly. 

JIAN-BING!!! [put handclaps and  happy cheers here.]
If you're still confused what Jian bing is, i can tell you it's a kind of

CHINESE CRISPY SAVOURY CREPES!! [put back your handclaps and  happy cheers here.]

This stall i found on a road at Fuzhou and i couldn't be happier the second i saw it. 

Swipe the dough all over the heated surface

Swipe swipe swipe

Crack an egg and scramble all over.

Put some tong cai on it. If you never heard tong cai before, i don't know how to explain it.  

Spring Onions, Spread all over.

First fold.

Put sauce. Prepare crackers.

Second fold,

Like that.

I used to have this almost everyday in Beijing, with smoked ham fillings. And double egg. 

This original vegetarian version is equally gooooood.
Soooo sooooooo goooooooooooooood.


Throwback - Fuzhou, 回来中国

March 2014

Exactly a year ago, my office sent me to attend the first BirdFair in the China Mainland, held in Fuzhou of Fujian Province.

2005 i left my heart China, after staying a miraculous year of studying the major of having fun and drink cheap booze while eating delicious food. That year was one of the best in my life and i had 6 months jobfriendsandinterestless depression right after i got home.

So yes i was very excited to smell the air of China no matter how you judge the air of china. I missed everything, every little detail from how the taste of food to the fact not every restaurant serve you drink in there. I was very excited!

I inhaled for almost 1 minute the time my foot stepped in Fuzhou. i failed to pick up my mandarin but after three days i made it to communicate. At least to shop.

We had a chance to visit Minjian Wetland Estuary,it was the highlight of the trip.

 We had to wait about 2 hours for the low tide


And this is what we did. I never did any wetland birding before, it was something new.

 On the way back i saw fields of celery. Sooooo dreamy.


I was very happy that i had the chance to come back. 
I have been travelling to East and South East Asia, i always feel like China is the place where everything comes from. 

I also had the time to visit the old town square 三坊七巷 (Three Lanes and Seven Alleys). I heard most of the chinese ancestors who come to South East Asia were from Fujian. So it was really nice to see Foochow culture and history. And FOOD! never forget about the food. 


In the same area we went in to Lin Zexu Memorial Hall.
Copying from Wikipedia, Lin Zexu was a Chinese scholar and official of the Qing dynasty. Lin's forceful opposition to the opium trade on economic, moral, and social grounds is considered to be the primary catalyst for the First Opium War of 1839–42. 

Interesting thing they told a humble history about when opium paralyzed the country.

Museums in China have alot of adorable art works where you can't doubt their skill of art. 


And wood carving,

Also paper cuttings from the souvenir shop.

I also went to a franchised paper museum. For a craft-lover like me, it was really really fun to be there. Everything there was made from paper. 

There was also time for shopping, of course.

I might have shopped too much. But would you look at those tea sets?

And those pairs of shoes?

At some point i didnt have anough hands to bring my shopping bags. And needed to rest.

So we tried the legendary Fuzhou Fishball. You can't imagine how good is this thing taste. 
This was the moment when i felt like i was going back to my roots.

On the last day i made a quick visit to my other favorite thing in mainland China.
Supermarket! The products is always fresh and super cheap.

Everything is bigger in China.

With more choices.

Just when we about to leave the hotel, this cutie asked to shake hand when i said hello. 

China i'm coming back again for sure. 
Copyright © 2014 Natanoja